Sunday, October 27, 2013

Missionary Theme

*Ideas gathered from all over! Not my original ideas.

Review: Missionary Songs

Use this activity to review one or more missionary songs.  Some suggestions are:   "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission,"  "The Things I Do,"  "I Want to Be a Missionary Now,"  "Holding Hands Around the World," and "We'll Bring the World His Truth."  These would work great for the October 2013 theme of missionary work.  

1.  Print several copies of the letter below.  Make changes to the document as necessary.  (Commenters have pointed out that the use of the title "Elder" may be inappropriate. You may want to change the wording to "member missionary") 

2.  Fill in the blank where the mission call is listed with places such as:
  • at school
  • at the park
  • at sports practice
  • at the store
  • at home
  • at a family reunion
  • at a friend's house
  • in primary
  • at a restaurant
  • etc.
3.  Place the letters in a large envelope. 

4.  As you sing the song you wish to review, have the children pass the envelope around the room.  

5.  When the song is finished, have the child holding the envelope stand up and pull out one of the letters.   Have him or her read the area to which he has been "called."  Ask him to tell the primary how he can be a missionary in his area.  

6.  Continue until all the letters have been chosen.  Help the children to understand that everything they do is a representation of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You may choose to print a letter for each child in your primary and have him or her fill in a place where he can be a missionary today.

The Word document is linked below.  The fonts and formatting may not appear until you actually download the document.  Don't forget to make changes as necessary (to the address, signature, etc.). 

Missionaries Then and Now Lesson Plan


1) Stripling Warriors
Who were they? (Link to resources)

2) Modern Missionaries
Talk about being a Missionary nowadays.
3) Learn/Sing Bring the World His Truth (#172)
Sing through first and second verse a few times.

4) Stripling Warrior/Missionary Lyric Showdown
  • Enlist all children to be in the “Army”. Everyone must sing for us to be successful. They will hum and march to help our “Captains”.
  • Have two buzzers up front.
  • Invite two children up to be the “Captains”. Dress one Captain in headband and cape, other wears a tie and missionary badge.
  • Pianist plays Bring The World His Truth (#172).
  • Children in the “Army” hum and march (or clap rhythm).
  • When Pianist stops playing Captains race each other to buzz in first to see who knows the next lyrics
  • ---*Maybe keep tab marks on the board under the names“Stripling Warriors” and “Modern Missionaries”


  • print OCD Choritser's Stripling Warriors
  • Stripling Warrior scripture/summary
  • print out lyrics
  • a headbands, a cape / a tie, missionary badge

Two years ago I invited our ward mission leader to primary and had him pretend to be an investigator . I gave him a list of questions an investigator might ask and had him ask them to the kids, then I would have the kids try to think of a song that would answer that question. I tried to show the kids that when someone asks you questions about the church sometimes it might be difficult to come up with the answer but if you think back to primary songs, it'll be easier to answer the question.

We are learning/reviewing the words to I hope they call me on a mission using props like a yardstick, globe etc. then we will continue to review the song while we dress a missionary. Have a boy come up and put a white shirt (these will all be big) on him and with that we will sing the song in a whisper. Then put a tie on him and sing the song standing backwards. Continue with shoes, jacket, etc. If they seem like they are getting tired of that song we will continue with other missionary songs they already know.

Since we're done with our program, I was going to teach the kids "We'll Bring the World His Truth." I thought since a few of them know it already, we'd divide into groups and give each group of kids some paper and markers and let them (with a teacher's help) make visual aids for part of the song (maybe a verse, maybe a line, etc). Then they will teach each other their part and we'll sing it together. I'll talk about how missionary work is teaching each other what you know to be true. Besides, it makes, like, zero prep time for me. 

  • This is Elder Flat Stanley, I tell the kids that Elder Flat is serving a mission and has received several letters with questions about the church and he needs their help answering them.... THE KIDS LOVED HIM!!!! I still use him occasionally.
  • Kaylee Blacker Oopps sorry here were the questions for elder flat
    What church do you go to?
    I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ pg.77

    Do you believe in God? Why are we here on Earth?
    I am a Child of God pg.2

    What does it mean to be a Child of God?
    As a Child of God

    Do you believe the Bible?
    Scripture Power

    What is you CTR ring for?
    Choose the Right H239

    Who can be a good example for me to follow when trying to choose the right?
    I'm trying to be like Jesus pg.78

    What happens when you are baptized?
    When I am baptized pg.103

    What are those big, white buildings with the gold statue on the very top for?
    I Love to see the Temple pg.95

    How can I get a testimony of my very own?
    Search, Ponder, and Pray pg.109

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