Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 2013 Plans

October 20, 2013
reverent: Jesus Said Love Everyone
B-day: You've Had a Birthday
Welcome: Saying "hello" is fun to do...

Theme: I can share the gospel with my family and friends.

Make postcards with actual names of missionaries from our ward asking a question.
*Dear Elder/Sister (insert name of real missionary from you ward/area)

Have children match the song that could answer that question.
*I listed the songs on the board so they could narrow it down.

2 kids will be up front dressing up as missionaries:
*they get one article of clothing per song
*I chose a boy and a girl. If the question was for a Sister then the girl would get to have the clothing prop that matched the song.

 Sing the song and pass the envelope around the room. When the song ends, whoever has the envelope takes out a postcard and reads the next question. The children choose the song that answers that question.

Questions and Songs to use:
What church do you go to?
I Belong to The Church of Jesus Christ pg.77

Do you believe in God? Why are we here on Earth?
I am a Child of God pg.2

What does it mean to be a Child of God?
As a Child of God

Do you believe the Bible?
Scripture Power

What is you CTR ring for?
Choose the Right H239

Who can be a good example for me to follow when trying to choose the right?
I'm trying to be like Jesus pg.78

What happens when you are baptized?
When I am baptized pg.103

What are those big, white buildings with the gold statue on the very top for?
I Love to see the Temple pg.95

How can I get a testimony of my very own?
Search, Ponder, and Pray pg.109

This idea came from HERE

Challenge given: Be a missionary

October 28, 2013
My testimony is strengthened when I share the gospel.

*Ask children to share missionary opportunities from last week.
Reverence Song: I Am A Child of God 2
Birthday Song: You've had a bday (285) sing in a round
Welcome Song: Hello, Hello 260 (use country flags)

We'll Bring the World His Truth 172 (5 minutes)
*Express to the children that this banner represents 2000 warriors. Tell the story as it is related in Alma chapter 56. Stress that not one of these 2000 young men died in battle. 
Explain how the songs compare us to the Stripling Warriors when we bravely share the gospel. Ask them to listen for the reference as you teach the song.
*teach new song v1 with flip chart

Missionary Songs: (10 minutes)
*Pin the tag on the missionary (hot/cold singing)
-I Hope They Call Me on a Mission 169 (flip chart)
-I Want to be a Missionary Now 168 (flip chart)
-The Things I Do 170-171 (flip chart)
-Called to Serve 174 (march)

We'll Bring the World His Truth (5 minutes)
*Have a contest to see which side of the room can sing louder.
*Sing as loud as the 2000 Stripling Warriors

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