Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 2013 Ideas

October 2013, Missionary Work

*Ideas gathered from all over! Not my original ideas.

In this post, you'll find links to my Singing Time ideas for October 2013.  Feel free to add more ideas in the comments!

I'm not a fan of Halloween themed Sunday activities, even just candy or pumpkins. I don't know of any rules it would violate, but I do think that the children get so focused on the Halloween aspect that they forget about the message entirely.  I may, however, try a loose tie-in with Halloween with the dress-up activity, Sister Crazypants.

Flip Charts / Visual Aides for Songs About Missionary Work:

Review Activity and optional handout for Missionary Songs, using "Mission Calls" to help the children understand that they can be missionaries at school, at home, at the store, etc.

Review Activity and optional handout for the song "The Things I Do" to help the children understand the meaning of the words.

2000 Stripling Warriors Activity to introduce "Holding Hands Around the World" or "We'll Bring the World His Truth."

I do a "Trick" or "treat" thing where I put cards in a plastic pumpkin that they pick from. The Trick cards say something like "all the girls will stand and sing while curtsying" or "all the boys will sing and etc etc." Some trick cards say to sing "Head shoulder's knees and toes backward - toes, knees, shoulders and head." The Treat cards are things like pick your favorite song etc etc. Other Trick cards are putting prophets in order by the end of the song etc. Stuff like that.

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